Jackie Public Bio
IC name and pronouns: Jacqueline (she)
OC name and pronouns: Elynor K. (she/they)
Character email address: jackie@whiteraccoon.oxfordrpg.com
Public Bio: Jackie is a momma opossum whose kids have all moved out from her home in the Suburbs. Nevertheless, she remains a homebody, and fiercely proud of where she lives. She likes to fuss over other animals who look even a little bit peckish. Although she's friendly and likes to fuss over others, she's quick to hiss out against something she disagrees with or considers unjust.
Species: Opossum
Appearance: Jackie is an opossum with particularly short legs and a stormy grey coat. When she's not climbing, her long, lightly-haired tail will usually be holding some kind of small snack. She does not like to sit still and will often multitask, or flick her tail impatiently. When alarmed or scared, she'll open her mouth and hiss, displaying her many small, sharp teeth.