
Shadowtail, Prince of Tails

Spring arrives, and brings with it new warmth after the harsh Winter before. And yet, this warmth is not felt everywhere.

The announcement of the king’s death came during the festivities of Raccoonmas. After many decades ruling the Squirrel Nation, King Floof II’s life had come to an end.

A sombre mood hangs over the nation as they gather to send him off. Many come to pay their respects, and many more will continue to do so over the coming weeks and months.

It is some time before the crowning of the new monarch.

“All Hail, King Shadowtail the Second!”

Shadowtail’s first act as king is to ensure there is enough food and housing for all who desire to live in the Squirrel Nation. Now that Winter has come to an end, many of those who decided to travel to the warmth of the Underground (almost three quarters of the Nation’s population) may soon choose to return. And in addition, many others who travelled to the Nation following the installation of insulation may wish to remain.

Expansion is considered. If the Nation were to encompass more of the Forest, there would be more space for its inhabitants. However, moving into the Deep-Wood Places would be a bad idea, given the area’s penchant for confusing and disorienting those who do not know how to traverse its paths.

Requests to move into the Carnival are met with polite disagreement (mixed in with a few icy stares). Bushy-Tail II points out that the Carnival is its own place with its own culture of animals from all over the City and the surrounding regions coming together to share stories and other festivities. It should not and cannot be ruled over by a monarchy. Having listened to her point being made, the king takes his leave, still wondering how best to deal with the upcoming change in population.

The time finally comes when the squirrels who moved Underground begin to move back to the Nation. However, around the same time, many who moved to the Nation to escape Winter’s chill decide that the warmth of Spring offers them the chance to move back to their respective homes (especially now that It That Hungers has been calmed down, leaving the Shore safe to return to). With Señor Floofs-a-lot’s quick thinking and guidance, Shadowtail II is able to organise those who come and those who go to ensure there is space for everyone.

There are some complaints from squirrels who are not sent back to their homes from before Winter, but Shadowtail, not wanting anyone to feel uncomfortable with where they are staying, promises to help everyone once the population has settled. And this is a promise he keeps to.

Through much hard work (and a bit of luck regarding how many wish to live in the Nation), King Shadowtail and his Court manage to help everyone find a home they are happy with.

Shadowtail is thankful to his father for ensuring that he had the skills necessary to rule the Nation for when he would need to take over.

The next thing at the front of Shadowtail’s mind is the matter of an heir. Despite being 26 years of age, Shadowtail has not yet found a partner. While arrangements could be made to find a partner, he is aware that such situations can be difficult to navigate (the debacles surrounding King Squeakles the Old trying to find such arrangements will long be remembered in the Nation’s history).

As he continues to think more and more about what would make a good monarch, he realises that it would perhaps be better to select an heir himself, and train them to lead the Nation. But now the question comes to who…

It would need to be someone that the peoples of his Nation like and respect, else their rule would be undermined. It would need to be someone who cares for the Nation, lest they become a cruel and vindictive ruler. And it would need to be someone who can carry the weight of the responsibility, ensuring they will not crumble under the pressure.

With these ideas in mind, a potential heir comes to Shadowtail’s mind. One who has shown their willingness to help the people of the Nation, who has shown the strength to carry the Nation and its people upon their back time and time again, and who has garnered the respect of those who live here in return.

Time passes. Weeks turn into months, months turn into years, and years turn into decades. It is almost time for the reign of Shadowtail II to come to an end. He decides he does not want to spend the last few years of his life on the throne, instead wanting to take one last chance to travel the world, meet its people, and simply live amongst those of his Nation.

As the days of Summer reach their longest, he calls for the Nation to gather. He announces that he plans to abdicate the throne, but that the people should not be sad, for while one era may be coming to an end, it means a new one is able to begin and take its place. He asks for the new monarch to step forwards.

The new monarch graciously accepts a robe (the spiders had to work for weeks to weave the silk necessary), dyed a shade of forest green. He takes the monarch’s staff, a simple piece of wood beset with an amber, in his mouth. He bows down to accept his crown, though the squirrel placing it upon his head still has to climb up slightly to reach.

As the ceremony comes to a close, the former King Shadowtail II addresses the people, announcing that the coming years will continue to bring great prosperity for their Nation. Finally, he finishes by saying:

“All Hail, King Dom, the Bear!”

  • eternity/prince_of_tails.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/10/20 15:18
  • by gm_luke