Quilla Public Bio
IC Name and Pronouns: Quilla of Shimmering Scales (she/her)
OC Name and Pronouns: Samantha G. (she/her)
Character Email Address: quilla@whiteraccoon.oxfordrpg.com
Public Bio:
Quilla of Shimmering Scales, was born in the Gated Place but brought by her parents as a child to the woods, where she leads a philosophical, animist congregation, the Gossamer Grove. She is about 42 years old, but isn't exactly sure. Quilla contemplates with her fellow congregates the way nature, the Blessing, and the spirits work. The Gossamer Grove has two primary modes of contemplation, the ritual of inquiry and the ritual of commune. During rituals of inquiry, Quilla and her pose ask polite questions to each other and guests in a socratic, collaborative fashion that aims to expand the realm of the possible. During the ritual of commune, undertaken only under a full moon, one or more congregate ingests psychedelic mushrooms to expand their vision into what they believe to be an altered state of mind that enables them to connect with spirits, or better understand the meaning of spirits in nature, along with a guide (frequently Quilla) who helps them integrate their experience in a positive, life affirming way. She regards dappled light through trees to be as a beautiful, awe inspiring sign that the spirits remain with the animals and wish them all to be in peace. As a scholar and philosophical type, Quilla makes sojourns to the suburbs and city to try to understand what happened and why.
Species: White bellied Pangolin
Quilla is an older White-bellied Pangolin. She wears bluebell flower chains around her neck, and on special occasions will don a cheesecloth cloak. She is adorable.