
Leo Public Bio

IC name and pronouns: Leo (he)

OC name and pronouns: Ben P. (he)

Character email address:

Public Bio: Leo is an average-sized Eurasian lynx with a stern but friendly face. He has a strong, entrepreneurial spirit, his current endeavour is working with a sizeable group of animals on packing up leaves and other foods into small, convenient leaf-packets, stamped with a paw-print with a missing toe, in exchange for other goods or a commission. He also spent the past years raising two fox kits, Clara and Renard, who are now teenagers.

Those who spend some time talking to Leo notice that he has a tendency to strive for conflicting ideals.

Species: Lynx

Appearance: Leo has thick, brown, spotted fur and a well-kept, white beard across his chin and neck. His eyes tend to glow, especially at night. He sometimes wears a variety of shiny trinkets he has collected over the years around his neck, tail, and ears. One of his paws is missing a toe, although this is quite hard to see under all the fur.

  • bio/leo.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/07/24 20:40
  • by gm_aric