
Amos Public Bio

IC Name and Pronouns: Amos (he/him)

OC Name and Pronouns: Mark W. (he/him)

Character Email Address:

Public Bio: Amos is a large and imposing cinereous vulture, and a proud member of the more elite families in the Grey Trees. They are known for often helping out with other animals, using their eyesight and high flying, however they also have a bit of a reputation for being patronising and some rumours even suggest an aggressive side.

Species: Cinereous Vulture

Appearance: A young cinereous vulture, with thick black feathers and a lighter coloured head. They have a fluffy hood of small feathers on their head. They are a massive bird with an imposing figure, 10.3kg with a 2.8m wingspan.

  • bio/amos.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/07/24 20:37
  • by gm_aric