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Quirks represent resources, relationships, or other similar Quirks of your character otherwise not encompassed by Skills. Also unlike Skills, Quirks can be positive (+), negative (-) or both (+ AND -).

When making a character, you may choose a number of Quirks up to a maximum of 7, but they must add up to -1, 0, or 1, with positive Quirks being a +1, negative being a -1, and + AND - Quirks being a 0.

Animal Quirks

These Quirks represent personal Quirks about your character, in ways that can affect the success and failure of their actions.

All or Nothing (+ AND -)

Your actions tend more towards extremes – bigger rewards, but more severe consequences.

Cartographer (+)

You just have a natural sense of direction. When navigating unfamiliar territory you are less likely to become lost.

This Quirk cannot be taken with Not All Those Who Wander Are Lost (-)

Not All Those Who Wander Are Lost (-)

This saying is, unfortunately, figurative. You find it easier to get lost than other animals, and are more likely to become lost while exploring.

This Quirk cannot be taken with Cartographer (+)

Cozy (+ AND -)

There's just something comforting about being sheltered. When your actions make good use of an enclosed space, your chances of success are increased, but when working in an open space, your chances of success are lowered.

This Quirk cannot be taken with Free Spirit (+ AND -)

Free Spirit (+ AND -)

You love being free. When your action makes good use of an open space, your chances of success are increased, but when working in an enclosed space, your chances of success are lowered.

This Quirk cannot be taken with Cozy (+ AND -)

Fast Travel (+)

Distance is less of a consideration for you in achieving successful actions.

Fight (-)

In high stress, dangerous situations, you suffer penalties if you don't choose aggressive or reckless actions.

This Quirk cannot be taken with Flight (-)

Flight (-)

In high stress, dangerous situations, you suffer penalties if you don't take incredibly safe actions.

This Quirk cannot be taken with Fight (-)

Freeze (-)

In high stress, dangerous situations, you are most likely to act last.

Flop (-)

In high stress, dangerous situations, you suffer a small penalty to all actions you take.

Gills (-)

You can only breathe in water. If you end up above water, you may send a maximum of 5 messages before you must return to the water for oxygen, or 10 messages if you take the Low oxygen Extremophile Ability. Only available to animals who take the Aquatic terrain type.

Hoard (+)

You have a large store of something somewhere specific already. This could be food, warm blankets, trinkets, artefacts from the human era… Specify what your character's Hoard is in character creation.

It should be noted that Hoard has less of a mechanical benefit (e.g. a food store doesn't negate the threat of Winter), but should be kept in mind while roleplaying

Homebound (+ AND -)

You're well familiar with your home turf, and not used to venturing outside of it. As part of character creation, tell us what your character considers “home”. Your actions will have a higher chance of success if taken close to home, and will often achieve greater things. Actions taken far from home will have a lower chance of success.

This Quirk cannot be taken with Wanderlust (+ AND -)

Wanderlust (+ AND -)

Repetition breeds complacency, that's what you always say. Actions have a higher chance of success if taken in an area you have not yet taken an action in, and a lower one if you have already taken one there.

This Quirk cannot be taken with Homebound (+ AND -)

Skilled (+)

You have one additional Ability Point to spend during character creation.

Unskilled (-)

You have one fewer Ability Point available to spend during character creation.

Superstitious (-)

While many in the City have their own beliefs and rituals, you take this to a new level. You have a superstition, and you worry that if you don't keep to it, bad things will happen, meaning you always take the time and care to ensure it's met.

Let us know what your superstition is when taking this Quirk. If you go against your superstition, there may be consequences.

Unobservant (-)

You're above the gossip and chatterings of other animals. Or perhaps they simply don't interest you. Either way, you do not receive any News each week.

This Quirk cannot be taken with Whispers on the Wind (+)

Whispers on the Wind (+)

You have a knack for picking up on additional gossip floating around the City. Every week, you will receive additional News.

This Quirk cannot be taken with Unobservant (-)

Wild Spirit (+)

Spirits are a myth, right? You're not entirely sure. Something in your personality and bearing is intrinsically appealing to spirits, and you will have greater chances of success seeking and interacting with them.

Relationship Quirks

These Quirks represent different relationships and reputations your character may have cultivated.

Adventure CapiTAIList (+)

You have a business or trade that NPCs know you for, and they'll seek you out for your services. Let us know what you deal in.

Oh The Misery (-)

There is a particular NPC who is out to sabotage you. Whether they are an outright enemy or just a rival, they love to get in your way when you're trying to carry out plans.

Please either give us a specific NPC from the Wiki, make one from scratch, or simply give us an idea of what you want and the GMs will create one.

Everybody Wants To Be My Enemy (-)

For some reason or another, you've managed to make an enemy of one of the Organisations. Let us know which one, and what you did that's drawn their ire.

This Quirk can be taken with Allied (+), but not for the same organisation

Support Animal (+)

You have a close NPC friend who is predisposed to help you.

Please either give us a specific NPC from the Wiki, make one from scratch, or simply give us an idea of what you want and the GMs will create one.

Allied (+)

You have a good relationship with one of the Organisations and can rely on them when you need help. Let us know which one.

This Quirk can be taken with Everybody Wants To Be My Enemy (-), but not for the same organisation

Pillar of the Community (+)

You're well known and well respected in your home and even in the wider City. NPCs are more likely to trust you and do what you say.

This Quirk cannot be taken with Untrustworthy (-)

Untrustworthy (-)

For whatever reason, word has gotten around that you are bad news. NPCs are less likely to trust you, and may require extra persuasion or incentives to do what you say.

This Quirk cannot be taken with Pillar of the Community (-)

Playstyle Quirks

These Quirks, rather than affecting your character, are used to affect how you play the game. You may take as many or as few of these as you like without them counting towards your Quirk limit. At any time, you can turn on or off any of these playstyle Quirks by contacting a GM.

Hit Me Harder (0)

The City can be a dangerous place, especially with this Quirk active. Taking this Quirk will lead to potentially more severe consequences of your actions and a higher chance of injury.

Make Me Cry (0)

While much of the game's tone is intended to be optimistic, that doesn't mean there won't be chances for some darker plots. Take this Quirk to let us know that you are happy to engage with an emotionally-heavy game.

Mindbender (0)

Some spirits enjoy playing tricks on the animals living in the City and the surrounding area, and there have been tales of those who have lost memories or acted strangely when interacting with spirits. Taking this Quirk indicates that you are happy with the possibility that your character may experience mind-altering effects.

Romance Me (0)

Take this Quirk to let GMs know that you are happy for NPCs to potentially initiate romance with your character. You remain more than welcome to initiate romance with NPCs or other characters without taking this Quirk, as long as you have OC consent.