Table of Contents

Conduct and Themes policy


We as the White Raccoon GM team wish for White Raccoon to be an enjoyable and memorable experience for all players involved. In the style of many other Society Games, White Raccoon is a largely open ended game inviting players to create their own stories and plotlines, exploring the game's central premise and themes in ways enjoyable to them.

The Conduct and Themes Policy, also known as the CAT policy, is the method by which we set out what themes we expect will or may come up in play, providing players with full knowledge of what themes to expect and how they will be handled. We have based our policy on the Oxford University Conduct and Acceptable Themes Policy and it is highly recommended players familiarise themselves with this policy before playing for awareness of what themes are allowed and disallowed. Regardless of the CAT policy, all players and GMs should treat each other with respect. If someone else asks out of character that you stop roleplaying a particular theme or topic, for any or no reason, respect their boundaries and stop.

We aim to create an environment in which all players can feel safe and comfortable. Whilst we will use the following policy as a guideline in how themes in our game will appear and be handled, the policy should not be always taken literally and attempting to reason to the wording instead of the spirit of the policy will not be accepted or tolerated.

We acknowledge that many of the themes presented here and in this game are complicated and nuanced. If you have any questions about our explanations of, or our presentation of, certain themes, please feel free to contact the GMs and NPCs via email or Discord.

If you feel the CAT policy has been breached, you can reach out to any member of the GM team. If you have a concern about a particular GM, you can reach out to the head GM (or CAMPO), Aric, via Discord or email on If you have a concern about the head GM, please contact the Society President, Sophia, either via Discord or at


All White Raccoon players must be 16 years old or older to play. Most players will be between the ages of 18 and 30. If you are under 18 years of age, you must disclose this to the GM team for safeguarding reasons. White Raccoon characters must be adult animals.

Requesting not to Roleplay With Someone

You may request not to roleplay with another player or GM before or at any point during the game, and we will do our best to ensure that you come into contact with that person as little as possible. You may ask us to inform that person of your request or you may keep your request confidential, though keeping the request confidential will prevent us from asking that person not to roleplay with you during the course of the game.

Safety Calls

Calls are single-word messages that can be sent by players or GMs during Uptime to convey information quickly. Safety Calls are a subset of this that are used to ensure everyone is comfortable around the themes being roleplayed. If you see a Safety Call being used by anyone, you should respect it immediately. For a full list of Calls, see the Glossary. The Safety Calls, and what they mean, are:

Potentially Sensitive Themes

The following is a breakdown of the themes listed in the CAT policy and whether they will appear in the game and in what manner.

Appendix A: Topics not permitted

The following themes will not be permitted in Official OURPGSoc Events:

Appendix B: Topics requiring careful handling

The following list contains topics that may require careful handling. GMs should make a judgment call as to whether such themes are needed to deliver a better game. Even for themes passing this criterion, GMs may wish to consider if they can be addressed “off screen” (e.g. fade to black). The following list may be added to by majority vote of the committee, and both added to and removed from during General Meetings by majority vote. If a topic from Appendix B is declared to be included in a game, this declaration must include warnings of how that topic is expected to be portrayed or manifest itself during the game.

Appendix C: Topics which should be handled sensitively

The following list contains topics that are likely to appear in many games or may arise unpredictably and therefore their inclusion does not need necessarily to be declared at the start of the game. However, these themes should still be handled sensitively, and GMs should consider whether or not an explicit note about how these topics will manifest themselves in a game is necessary.