Watson Public Bio

IC Name and Pronouns: Watson (he/him)

OC Name and Pronouns: Henry S. (he/him)

Character Email Address: watson@whiteraccoon.oxfordrpg.com

Public Bio: Watson is an old dog who has lived in his family's ancestral home (a shelter in the suburbs) his whole life. Thanks to his trusty nose and quick wit, Watson has built up a reputation as an excellent private investigator. If he's not out on a case, or performing security checks on his shelter, he'll most likely be out for a jog in the park, although he has been slowing down recently.

Species: Dog

Appearance: A medium-large black dog, now greying with age. He isn't as strong as he used to be, and there is a sadness in his clouding eyes, but his floppy ears are as sharp as ever.