Max Public Bio

IC Name and Pronouns: Maximus a.k.a Max (he/him)

OC Name and Pronouns: Jamie B. (he/him)

Character Email Address:

Public Bio: Max the magpie is a common sight around the City Centre and beyond, residing with his eagle adoptive family high on a Grey Tower. He has a passion for music, and a talent for remembering and recreating sounds and songs. Few know more about the latest top tunes in the Dawn Chorus than him, and he has a minor career performing covers of popular tunes. Yet despite this he has never managed to compose his own original song, only producing a magpie's harsh “caw”.

Therefore he has set out to collect stories and tales from animals all over in the hope of finding inspiration for his Magnum Opus.

He is always eager to listen, and happy to share information or a tune in return.

Species: Magpie

Appearance: Looks like a common Eurasian magpie, often humming or whistling a tune he has picked up somewhere.