Chiro Public Bio

IC Name and Pronouns: Chiro (she/they)

OC Name and Pronouns: Conor W. (any)

Character Email Address:

Public Bio: Chiro is a small bat. The adopted daughter of the current Rat King, she has been enthusiastically pursuing knighthood since coming of age. Outside of her relation to the Rat King, Chiro is mostly known as a vocally enthusiastic about the virtues of the Nether Kingdom, and being something of an unreliable, some would say alarmist, reporter of information.

Some might remember that Chiro was adopted towards the end of their childhood after being left behind by a family of bats moving up the Grey Towers. Their story, and their need for guardianship, was briefly circulated before the Rat King (at that point still several years from their ascension to the throne) took them in.

Species: Fruit Bat

Appearance: Chiro is a small Rousettus fruit bat weighing about 250 grams. She has short but fluffy brown fur which ruffs around her neck and dark brown verging on black wings. She typically has a small satchel (batchel) tied around her neck in order to hold those treasures judged worth keeping from the underground.