====== Sample Turnsheets ====== Below, you can find two sample turnsheets. These are intended as examples of how one might go about writing a turnsheet. More details about turnsheets can be found [[uptime_and_downtime#Turnsheets|here]]. In //White Raccoon//, we are giving each player one **Specific Action** per turnsheet in addition to any number of **General Actions**. The events of a turnsheet take place during the month between Uptime sessions IC. ===== Sample Turnsheet 1 ===== ==== Specific Action ==== === Aim === Climb to the top of the Carnival's great wheel to meet with Breadbin === Details and Plan === Breadbin has been a close friend of mine for a while now, and recently asked me to meet on top of the great wheel in the Carnival. I've heard about this spot before and am excited to go -- apparently it provides an amazing view of the City. Also, I recently found something cool in the Shelters, some sort of ticking device. I know that Breadbin loves old human technology and I want to give it to him as a gift. I think the best time for meeting up would be mid-afternoon and have confirmed that time with Breadbin. I'm going to try to get there shortly after noon. Better to be ridiculously early than late, after all. I know that the Pigeons taxi service would probably be happy to take me to the top, but I prefer to do things myself where possible, so I'll use my **Climbing** Ability to get to the top of the wheel. When up there, I'm going to wait for Breadbin and look for his approach with my **Sharp Eyes**. After presenting the gift, I will suggest we stay atop the great wheel for a few hours more. A sunset from up there would be lovely. === Abilities and Quirks used === Abilities: * **Climbing** -- to reach the top of the great wheel * **Sharp Eyes** -- to keep an eye out for Breadbin Quirks: * Wanderlust (+ AND -) -- I've not been to the Carnival before, and I'm looking forward to going there with Breadbin * Support Animal (+) -- Breadbin has been my friend for a long time now * Free Spirit (+ AND -) -- climbing the great wheel will be a fun challenge * Not All Those Who Wander Are Lost (-) -- I'm going to try to avoid getting lost, but I just love exploring new places === Items used === * The **ticking device** -- as a gift for Breadbin === PCs and NPCs involved === * Breadbin, who asked me to meet him at the Carnival ==== General Actions ==== * Visit my family at their home in the Plains * Try to improve my time for climbing the tallest tree in the Park * Look for more cool stuff in the Shelters ---- ===== Sample Turnsheet 2 ===== ==== Specific Action ==== === Aim === Paint one last picture before Winter descends. === Details and Plan === Themes: I'm picturing this as something of an emotional turning point for Bobblesworth, as he finally confronts the tension between looking backward and looking forward. I'd like it to be a fairly introspective turnsheet. He has been through a lot recently, especially with the failure of his art gallery, and the moral dilemmas raised in the last talk with Mrs. Fluffy. I'd like him to find a way to reconcile his artistic vocation with his wish to help Mrs. Fluffy's endeavour, despite the fact it will alienate Snicker-Snack, without whose support the art gallery may never flourish again. But is a closed gallery truly what's needed? Does everything have to last, or is the beauty in the moment what's really important? Plan: * He'll contemplate the City's ruins while thinking about which path to take; walking through its streets, as he walks through his tangled thoughts. * Somewhere particularly striking will help him with his breakthrough. * He'll paint a picture of the place that inspires his decision. === Abilities and Quirks used === Abilities: * Sharp Eyes: to catch the glint of light on the rusted places * Keen Ears: to listen to the whispers on the breeze * Trusty Nose: to catch the smell of decaying fallen leaves Quirks: * Cartographer: to ensure his wanderings don't lead him astray. === Items used === * Paint brush and easel === PCs and NPCs involved === * Mrs. Fluffy and Snicker-Snack weigh on his thoughts ==== General Actions ==== * Throughout the month he'll keep helping the preparations for Winter by gathering shelter materials * Attend Mrs. Fluffy's next meeting, but keep quiet for now * Catch up with Wilma over lunch * He'll be avoiding Snicker-Snack this week, delaying the confrontation