====== Session 2 News ====== ====Max’s Advert==== Do **you** have rhythm flowing through your scales? Does **your** hair stand on end at the sound of a well-harmonised chord? Do **you** have a passion and/or talent for sounds of the musical variety? Then //**get in touch!!!**// I, Max of the Grey Tree, am aiming to assemble an ensemble of musical animals, of all sorts, of all musical parts, for an inaugural performance of my great original never-before-heard symphony*, to be presented on the final evening of this year’s Carnival! It will be a musical-story-conveying extravaganza the likes of which will never be heard before.%%**%% Ability or past experience welcomed, but not required (unusual noises encouraged)! Rehearsals will take place at the back of the Mangrove club, City Centre, and participants will receive free musical coaching from both myself, Max, and potentially a special celebrity guest. For more details register your interest with either myself (eyrie, top-of-tallest-Grey-Tree) or Diego of the aforementioned club, who has kindly agreed to assist. Get swinging and singing! Max *or ballad/opera/jazz-rock-sonata/tbd %%**%%details of music to be confirmed / composed ====Opossum PSA==== //A number of Pigeons flap through the City, spreading this information:// Following the events of the collapse in the Terrace, in the spirit of togetherness and family we’re here to bring you these important messages. Fainting. It’s something we’ve all done. Perhaps you didn’t get enough to drink that day. Perhaps your family provided you with a gift so fantastic that you swooned in excitement. But did you know? Opossums are prone to fainting episodes and playing dead if they become sufficiently stressed. This is, as you can imagine, quite stressful for the opossum and any family they might have nearby. But don’t panic! Just look for these signs: First of all, always check that they’re still breathing. A little movement of their belly should let you know. If they’re still breathing, great! Try and make them as comfortable as possible. Fetch them some water, and ask them if they have any friends or family they should contact. Reassure them that you can fetch anyone they need. Anyone at all. Even if they seem really busy! Or get a Pigeon to do that! Sending a Pigeon will also work fine. Just a word can make people feel better! Remember of course, you can help prevent these episodes in your opossum friends by avoiding big unwanted surprises, stressful situations, or danger! If one of them appears sick, that can be a tell-tale sign that a fainting episode is about to begin. Make sure to check in regularly on your opossum friends and family to ensure they’re ok, and you too can enjoy the many wonders that come with knowing these amazing animals. We are the Pigeon Courier Service and we approve this message. ====Collapsing buildings, by Ida==== Recently, a human house in the Suburbs collapsed during an attempt at investigation, trapping a Scholar inside. Thankfully, all those present came together to rescue the Scholar, Maple, from the collapsed house, and no injuries were sustained. Even with the disaster of the house collapse, all was not for naught! A noise-producing box was found by Maple, and is currently being restored by expert tinkerer Gearbox. Much credit for the rescue must go to Boy’s Cows, since Boy organised the efforts, and a brave Boy’s Cows member, Lorah, went into the collapsed building to rescue Maple. However, success was only achieved due to the collaboration of all of the animals in the vicinity. Says Professor Pancake: “I must commend the bravery and quick-thinking of Boy and his Cows, as well as many of the others there who helped save Maple.” His adoptive daughter, Evening Sprinkle, added: “I'm so relieved no one was hurt, and that everyone was so very brave!” Boy himself advises: “We got lucky today that no one was hurt. It's vitally important that everyone remains aware of their surroundings at all times. And if disaster does strike, use your head before you go charging in. Don't make yourself another casualty.” This sort of collaboration should be an inspiration for the city. With a tough Winter coming, the City will need to come together to take care of everyone. The success of these animals of the Suburbs and beyond coming together in an emergency speaks to the possibility of collaborating across the City, beyond even such artificial borders as we currently have in place. If you wish to help your fellow animals, please reach out to Boy’s Cows or Helping Paw, both of whom are actively recruiting, or simply make connections with your neighbours and see how you can best work together. ====Vanishings in the Forest, by Ida==== In recent weeks, an expedition into the Deep-Wood Places to find a Spirit on behalf of the Carnival ended in tragedy, when Ramal Bayda of the Plains and Amos of the Grey Trees followed floating lights off the path. They have not been seen since. Search parties should not be launched unless they stick absolutely to the rules of the wood: always travel in a group. Do not step off the path unless you’re holding hands with others. Do not follow the lights. The travellers are said to have been successful in their encountering of a Spirit, who pledged support to animal-kind and a particular love of our storytelling, only to be driven off by what appears to have been an attack from another Spirit. The friendly Spirit had previously mentioned that its kind are divided over the White Raccoon’s Blessings towards animals. The Spirit indicated that its power is enhanced by stories involving it, and that if this year’s Carnival directs its energies towards it, it might be able to help us as the winter draws in. Vanishings of stockpiled food have also been occurring in the woods of late; an apple was taken while intrepid investigators Scratch and Max had only briefly turned their heads. ====The Guardian sings again!==== As no doubt every animal not living under a rock would have heard by now, the horrific metallic Guardian has sounded again for the first time in decades. Whilst this event is rare, it is not this in itself which has drawn the most attention -- the surprise this time is due to the unusually prolonged nature of the song. Never before has the Guardian been known to make noise for longer than a few minutes -- a record completely blown out of the water this month as only a few weeks ago did the Guardian cease its song, which lasted an entire day! In this time, many Scholars flocked to the creature, in spite of the fearsome reputation of it and its ‘followers’. Many bravely attempted to transcribe and interpret the sounds, which were described as ‘mournful’ and ‘pained’ by witnesses -- but unfortunately, as with its previous ‘songs’, no sense could be made of it. The Guardian is perhaps the remnant of human technology whose use and purpose remains most obscure to us, in large part due to its lack of detailed study. Any Scholars who have attempted to examine the giant have been promptly chased away by those who reside within the Gated Place, a fearsome group who worship it as a deity. If ever this group were to disperse, who knows what secrets may be uncovered? ====Boy’s Cows open trainings==== Extra! Extra! Boy’s Cows will be opening their trainings to non-herd members for the first time in… well, ever, really. Come on down to see what the organisation is like when not responding to an emergency. Give it a go yourself, hone your skills, or just come to watch the mud bath! No commitments, no pressure to join; drop in and out as and when you like. The first training will be held tomorrow at 9 on the Plains -- be there, or be round! ====Symposium==== Quilla cordially invites you to a Symposium on Spirits, humans and other mysteries, at the Gossamer Grove, in the Forest. [OC: this takes place in uptime] ====Royal Flocklamation 2==== //A particularly loud penguin proclaims the following news// Her Majesty the Empress Penguin calls upon the artists of the City, Forest and beyond to come and make the Shore a more aesthetically appealing place to be. All types of art welcome, Her Majesty wishes to see everything art has to offer. ====My Anaconda Don’t (have something that belongs to zir)==== Casss, the anaconda trader who does business on the Shore, is offering a substantial reward to anyone who can find the menace who stole one of zir prized possessions (a waterproof light), and return the stolen property to zir. Zie doesn’t know the criminal’s name, but they are a small crab and sail across the water on a piece of wood. ====Hear ye, Underground folk!==== Official Bulletin of the King's Knights. \\ Continue all of your prescribed duties as planned. \\ Do not be alarmed by the increase of personnel in the tunnels. \\ //Message distributed on His Lowness' authorisation.//